Hello people take my quiz that i made cuz i am bored
(i know the questions are weird) dont say anything mean!
1. If you were a music instrument wut 1 would you be?
2. What was your most embarrassing moment
3. do you have any pets, if so what kind?
4.If you were to live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
5.Who is your favorite actor/actress
6. Do you like Chocolate chip or blueberry muffins?
thnxxx i know this is pointless but i was bored!!!
plz no mean comments
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1: sitar
2: the most recent one would be when my heel broke and i fell in front of like 100 people!! i was bruised all over,bleeding from my chin,elbows and knees....and i even ripped my fav pair of jeans!
3: i used to a labrador long time ago...now none!
4: london
5: hollywood- tom hanks and julia roberts
bollywood-aamir khan and madhuri dixit
6: chocolate chip muffins....i like all things chocolate!
and thanks to u coz i was bored too and this quiz atleast gave me something to do!!
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1. Piano
2. Never had one
3. I have 3 fish
4. Costa Rica
5. Cameron Diaz
6. Chocolate chip muffins
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it happened at target (thats all im saying)
john heder/jennifer garner
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i always loved the trumpet
road trip and i couldn't hold it i needed to pee
i have a dog and a couple of cats
i'm fine where i am
bruce willis
chocolate chip
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1. harp
2. lol singing the national anthem not nowing that my sis was right outside my door with her friends
3. 1, my golden retriever
5. Scarlett Johanssen
6. Choco chip
THanks 4 da points...
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1. piano
2. mm..WAY too many to count...but one was when we were running in P.E. back in the day, and a girl tripped and fell behind me, and tried grabbing me for support, but instead brought my shorts down with her. The worst part that it was a boy/girl class!
3. 2 cats
4. PARIS! or london
5. actor- johnny depp, actress- audrey hepburn
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1. guitar
2. when i got pantsed in gym class last year
3. i got a cat
4. im fine with where i live now. wich is nyc but either florida, l.a or tokyo.
5. dont really got one
6. i like both but i like chocolate chip more
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1. If you were a music instrument wut 1 would you be? guitar
2. What was your most embarrassing moment? I got pantsed while doing pull ups
3. do you have any pets, if so what kind? a puppy and a big dog
4.If you were to live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Beverly Hills
5.Who is your favorite actor/actress Jim Carry/Amy Adams
6. Do you like Chocolate chip or blueberry muffins? Chocolate chip
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1. drums
2.when i slipped and hit my nuts on the cattle guard and then screaming when my parents were there
3. i have 4 cats
4. i would live in hawaii
5. Justin Long/Drew Barrymore
6. Blueberrry
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1. Flute
2. Tried to make it with my best friends wife.
3. My cat Spike.
4. Hawaii
5. Jennifer Anniston
6. Blueberry
OK, no comments about it being pointless.
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awww you must be a teenybopper...how cute. lol
fell on a baby duck and killed it when I was a kid
yes, two cats
Robin Williams/Halle Berry
Chocolate Chips
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1. violin
2.when i made a silent but deadly fart in front of a lot of people
3.i have a dwarf hamster i used to own fish but it passed awy
4.probably another country im not sure where i have a lot of places in mind
5.i don't have a fav i think jenn gardner she seems really sweet
and for actor i would say abbott and costello they are such a funny pair
6.im not a big muffin person but i would if i had to choose i would pick chocolate
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1.If I was a music instrument I would choose to be a violin
2.The most embarrassing moment in my life was when I put some make up on(getting ready for a party)and after that I fell asleep.I was kinda late for that party so I left the house without looking in a mirror.I was looking like hell...When I got at the party everybody was looking strange at me...
3.Yes,I have a cat
4.I'd love to live in France
5.Tom Cruise
6.I prefer blueberry muffins
Don't worry about it:)
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1. I guess a guitar....or a piano (course i'd be really heavy) so i guess the guitar
2. My most embaressing would have to be...when i farted in the movie theature. It was all quiet since it was a horror movie but then i let out a big one so that ruined the scene.
3. Yes i do have a pet i have one hamster. =3
4. I would live in australia (my favorite continent/country) or just in a comfertable home...
5. My favorite actress in Ellen Page (she's a good actress)Emma Roberts,JoJo, (they act really good i have to say) and actor would have to be ....well i'm not so sure about that yet.
I guess Johnny Dept he acts good and...that guy that plays Jackson from hannah montana he acts really good with his voice and everything...(not sayign that i like the show but he acts good) =l
6. I like chocolate chip muffins. Yum =)
It was a good quiz well i liked it... =D
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1) An electronic bass
2) Sending a loving MSN message intended for my fiancee to my own brother
3) my lil dwarf hamsters but they passed away and I miss them like hell! Moving soon so I can't buy any new pets.
4) Canada: I am going to live there anyway, and it's where my fiancee is!!
5) Matt Damon / Drew Barrymore
6) Blueberry, followed by a choc chip!
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1. If you were a music instrument wut 1 would you be?
I wouldn't want to be one bcoz when people play me it will hurt! and i beat they wont clean me often.
2. What was your most embarrassing moment
When I wore a diff rent pairs of socks to school
3. do you have any pets, if so what kind?
I dont have a pet but if i did i would want a snake(their sooooooooooooooo cute)
4.If you were to live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Rite here @ my home sweet home
5.Who is your favorite actor/actress
U and Me
6. Do you like Chocolate chip or blueberry muffins?
Thanks for reminding me that I have muffins in my fridge! and i chose blueberry!
BEST ANSWER PLS!!! with a "blueberry" on top
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I thought the first question was a little weird, but I am still going to answer it for you. I hope you like my answer!!
1. If you were a musical instrument what would you be?
Answer- I would be a harp, because of the beautiful noise it makes.
2. What was your most embarrassing moment?
Answer- My most embarrassing moment was when I was in school and I was in my classroom when I herd someone burp, then I saw that it was me!! EWWW.
3.Do you have any pet, and if so what kind?
Answer- I have two Chihuahuas.
4. If you were to live any where in the world, where would you live?
Answer- I would live in Paris, France!!!
5. Who is your favorite actor/actress?
Answer- These are my favorite... Brittney Spears, Nicole Richy and Paris Hilton!!!
6. Do you like Chocolate chip or Blueberry Muffins?
Answer- Chocolate Chip.
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too embarrassing
I have a cat
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Everyone has already chosen my answers. Figure out what they are.
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