Thursday, December 3, 2009

Quiz question.sweets and chocolates.?

in the night sky (5 .7 .5)

Quiz question.sweets and chocolates.?

Can I hijack this question with a little Johnny joke that was censored?

Johnny's class had just had their first 'facts of life lesson.

the teacher was asking questions to see how much the children had learned.

Can anyone give me an example of sex?

George:" My mum and dad sometimes go to bed early and I hear strange noises, is that sex Miss?"

"Yes, George, well done."

Mary:- " Sometimes our boy-dog has a ride on next door's girl-dog, is that sex Miss?"

"Very good, Mary, ..yes it is."

Johnny :- "Last night on TV, we saw 3 injuns rolling around on top of John Wayne..was that sex Miss?"

"Don't be silly Johnny, of course not."

Johnny turned to his friend Jimmy and said ..."See, I told you it would take more than 3 injuns to phuck John Wayne."

I thank you.

Quiz question.sweets and chocolates.?


Quiz question.sweets and chocolates.?

Sweets and chocolates taste good.

Quiz question.sweets and chocolates.?

What kind of a question is that !

Quiz question.sweets and chocolates.?


Quiz question.sweets and chocolates.?

Is it the Milky Way?

Quiz question.sweets and chocolates.?

u r obuviously eligible 4 a brain transfer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quiz question.sweets and chocolates.?

elifornifail is funny but anyway what was the question

i don't get it

Quiz question.sweets and chocolates.?

thts a crap question i dont get it......jk. but i still dont get it.......

Quiz question.sweets and chocolates.?


Quiz question.sweets and chocolates.?

the big dipper

Quiz question.sweets and chocolates.?

what the freaking crap are you talking about???????????????????????????????????...

Quiz question.sweets and chocolates.?

milky way

Quiz question.sweets and chocolates.?

galaxy, milky way stars?????

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