Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Beatle Quiz - Just for Fun?

1 - what was the original title of ABBEY ROAD

2 - in what district of Liverpool was Ringo was born

3 - what was john lennon's father's middle name

4- what was paul's sheepdog called

5 - what two people did john want on the sgt peper album which the record company declined to add

6 - who learn't george harrison the sitar

7 - whomplayed tuba on the song for noone

8 - which famous person played sax on the song you know my name look up the number

9 - which song was released with only two of the beatles on the recording

10 - on the abbey road album cover was is the reg on the vw in the fore ground

Beatle Quiz - Just for Fun?

1. Everest

2. Dingle (now in Toxteth)

3. Didn't have one. Alfred, called 'Freddie' Lennon for short.

4. Martha

5. Hitler and Jesus

6. Ravi Shankar

7. Alan Civil (French Horn, actually)

8. Brian Jones

9. There's more than one. "Yesterday" is an example.

10. LMW 281F

Beatle Quiz - Just for Fun?

5- Jesus and Hitler

6- Ravi Shankar?

9- Blackbird? They did a lot of stuff with only one or two of them on the tracks.

10 - 28 IF (meaning that Paul - rumored to have been dead at the time - would've been 28 IF he had lived!)

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