Monday, November 30, 2009

Simpsons quiz...?

ok... here are some of my favorite lines from the Simpsons...let`s see if you can figure out which character said the following:

1. "Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything. 14% of people know that."

2. "the doctor said I would'nt have so many nosebleeds if I kept my fingers out of there"

3. "stupid, sexy Flanders"

4. "What IS your fascination with my forbidden closet of mysteries?"

5. "Ooh, the Germans are mad at me. I'm so scared! Oooh, the Germans!"

6. "Are you the creator of Hi and Lois, because you are making me laugh"

Simpsons quiz...?






6.Comic Book Guy

Simpsons quiz...?

1) homer

2) ralph wigam

3) Homer

4) cheif wigam


6) guessing- marge or homer

Simpsons quiz...?

lol i know hardly any of them its been a while since i saw, but i know #2 is ralph and #3 is homer and #6 is the comic book guy i think #1 is the scientist who says "glaven" a lot but i'm not sure lol...i hear a simpsons movie is coming out

Simpsons quiz...?

1. Moe

2. Ralph

3. Homer

4. Burns

5. Grandpa

6. Marge

Simpsons quiz...?

The 2ND one: the bigger (fat) friend [the cop's son] of Lisa said that when he was walking her home. The was before they went out for a date at Crusty show and then they were shown together on TV.

3rd one Homer?

Simpsons quiz...?

1. Homer Simpson

2. Ralph wiggum

3. Homer

4. Chief Wiggum

5. Mr Burns

6. Comic book man

i absoutley love the simpsons

Simpsons quiz...?

Last 2 answers were right. But really, the Simpsons went off the deep end after '95. It has gotten steadily worse ever since to the point that the new episodes taint the quality of the ones from the first 5 years.

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