Saturday, November 28, 2009

Pantyhose Quiz?

Q. How many animals can you fit into a pair of pantyhose? Now, think about it before you answer...

... Keep thinking about it ...

... No, you're not giving this anywhere near enough thought ...

... Ready? Okie, here's the multi-part answer:

1. 10 little piggies (also known as toes), and

2. Two calves, and

3. One as s, and

4. An unknown number of hares (I warned you to think about it, dammit!) and, of course,

5. One pus sy!

Pantyhose Quiz?

You forgot the beaver and the fish no one can find. lol

Pantyhose Quiz?

Yes ! T.Q. for the answer. anyway u still can wear it over an a*s*s head .

Pantyhose Quiz?

Ha ha hahahahaha O I love this one

Pantyhose Quiz?

Splendid Question

Pantyhose Quiz?

(good, CJ!)

Here's one for you:

How does a woman put out the fire in her HotPants (so called when miniskirts went up to the bottom of the bumcheek)?

With her Panty Hose.

Pantyhose Quiz?


Pantyhose Quiz?

Old joke, but you forgot #6-and a dead fish everyone can smell but nobody can find

Pantyhose Quiz?

you left out marriage-then you could join in too-david in Jesus amazing grace

Pantyhose Quiz?


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