Monday, November 30, 2009

Bible quiz (1st know) 1) How did Sarah lie to God?

2) Which number of book in the Bible is Matthew?

3) Which book mentions Orion?

Bible quiz (1st know) 1) How did Sarah lie to God?

1) She denied that she laughed at the concept of bearing a child.

2) 40, unless you count the Apocrypha

3) Job 9:9, Job 38:31, Amos 5:8

Yeah, I'm probably not the first, but it was a fun quiz. Thanks for the 2 at least!

Bible quiz (1st know) 1) How did Sarah lie to God?

1) She denied laughing

2) Depends on your canon of Scripture

3) Job and Amos

Bible quiz (1st know) 1) How did Sarah lie to God?

1. 40 if you don't count the books of the apocrypha and the septuagent.

2. Job

Bible quiz (1st know) 1) How did Sarah lie to God?

1. When she said she doesn't masturbate.

2. 42

3. The one written by Ben Bova.

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