Saturday, November 28, 2009


Ok, I think its time to see who knows their stuff in the horse section. Whoever answers the questions completely and accurately FIRST will get the 10 points.

1) Why do we change a horse's feeding schedule gradually?

2) How often do you worm horses (paste wormer not daily supplement)? At what age should worming begin? What rotation of wormers is best to use and why?

3) What vaccinations need to be given on a yearly basis?

4) How long are mares pregnant? When do their foals get weaned (range)?

5) Briefly describe the difference between Stallions, Colts, Mares, Fillies, and Geldings.

6) What does it mean if a a horse is "green"?

7) What is the difference between English and Western riding (helmets vs. no helmets is not a good answer)?

8) Describe the frog and its functions.

9) Why do you pick out horse's hooves?

10) About how much saliva does a horse secrete in 24hours?

This isn't meant to see who is smartest, it's more of a learning tool.


1. You gradually change a horse's diet because they have sensitive stomachs and digestive tracts as they are hind gut digesters and the natural bacteria and enzymes of the digestive system work on a schedule, changing a horse's feed or feeding at a different time can upset the stomach and cause colic.

2. You should deworm your horse every two to three months depending upon where you live and veterinarians recommend that you rotate between ivermectin/moxidecterin (Zimecterin, equimectrin and quest), pyrantel (rotation 2, strongid c, and benzimidazole (Panacur, safeguard/ fenbendazole, anthelecide eq) wormers. You should not stop worming over the winter as many parasites and eggs lay dormant in pastures or can remain in your horse's digestive tract. If you feed a daily wormer, strongid c, c2x or continuex, you must take your horse off of it for a week and supplement with a paste wormer that treats the parasites that the pellets do not and so parasites do not become immune to it. You begin worming horses as early as 4 months old, the mare shuld be wormed when in foal (check to see if paste is safe for pregnant mares), then foals will absorb the chemical through mare's milk when nursing, and by 4 months foals will be ready for worming on their own, They definitely need to be wormed by weaning.

3. On a yearly basis, horses must be vaccinated agaist Rabies, Tetanus, Eastern, Western and Venezuelan Encephalomyelitis (sleeping sickness)and Influenza. Show and sale horses or foals at risk of exposeure should be vaccianted against Rhino virus, strangles, and Potomac Horse fever, and if it is a threat in your area, you should vacciante against West Nile Virus.

4. Mares are pregnant for 11 months and foals can be weaned as early as four months and as late as six or seven months of age.

5. A stallion is an intact male horse over the age of 3. A colt is an intact male horse under and including the age of 3. A gelding is a neutered male horse. A mare is a female horse over the age of 3. A filly is a female horse under and including the age of 3.

6. A "green" horse is untrained or only slightly started training. "Green Broke" menas that the horse is well under way with training but is not fisished yet and may still need training in some areas. Finished means a horse is completely trained and broke well to the point where it is ready to begin work, schooling or showing.

7. Western riding includes a saddle with a horn and is usually ridden with one hand. It originated on the plains and in the west for working cattle. The gaits are slow and relaxed (walk, jog. lope) and the rider's seat, legs and hands are relaxed. Western sports/ games include roping, reining, racing barrels, cutting cows, rodeo and polebending/ Gymkana. English originated much earlier and includes the diciplines of, hunter and jumper, hunt seat, dressage and saddle seat. Hunter/jumper consists of intense flat work and field jumping and coursework over oxars and large obstacles, hacking and fox hunting. Huntseat includes mostly flat work, small jumping and cavaletti work, emphasis on equitation. Dressage emphasizes training, gaiting and fluid forward movements of horse and rider working in harmony with one another, it requires dicipline, training and high endurance, competitions consist of tests and patterns. Saddleseat equitation and english or country english pleasure is a dicipline for gaited breeds such as saddlebreds, and tennessee walkers, as well as highly spirited and animated breeds such as morgans, arabians, national show horses and hackneys. The saddle has a cut back wither to allow for more forward movement of the horse and it is ridden in a double (weymouth) bridle cosisting of two bits and reins. Emphais is placed on gait and animated trot with a smooth rocking canter while the horses carry their heads in a higher set position.

8. The frog is the soft triangular under part of the horse's foot and sole that absorbs shock and pressure. In the stabled horse, it doesn't wear but it degrades with bacterial and fungal activity to an irregular, soft, slashed surface. In the free-roaming horse, it hardens into a callous consistency with a near-smooth surface.It is anatomically analogous to the human fingertip.

9. You pick out horse's hooves to remove packed dirt and debris to stop the growth of anaerobic bacteria that cause thrush and to remove any rocks that may cause stone bruises. After picking and cleaning your horse's hooves you should check for puncture wounds, absceses or callouses and picking the hoof helps the frog and sole perform their function of absorbing pressure and it inhibits the frog's natural shedding process (horse's shed their frog and soled twice a year).

10. Horses secrete anywhere between ten to thirty liters of saliva a day depending upon their size and diet, and they swallow most of it.


it's not even a learning tool.more a waste of time.


1) because it could disrupt digestion and cause a numerous amount of problems, including Colic.

2) I worm every 6 months, but i use the all around wormer. The best rotation is in January use a stronger wormer, and use a general wormer in June, just to make sure that there are no worms.

3)Rhino/Potomac/Rabies/Strangles/Coggi... 3 years)/and 1 Combo vaccination( can't remember all that was in it)

4)11 month Gestation Period , 5-7 months till weaning.

5)Stallions and Colts are un gelded males, in comparison to a Gelding which was gelded. A mare and Filly are females. Colts and Fillies are under 3 years old.

6)Either unbroken, are not trained very throughly.

7)English riding, compared to Western, is a very High Class, stiff way of riding. The rider is more erect in the saddle, and more poised. Western, on the other hand, is more laid beck. The stirrups are shorter, and the posture is a more relaxed way of going.

8) The frog is a part of the hoof, on the underside. It is used to asorb the concussion caused by the horse moving.

9)To keep a majority of the bacteria out of the hoof to prevent injuries and infections such as thrush and Laminitis.

10) 10 gallons


It's impossible to get these 100% right as they are such vast questions, I could probably write an essay on the differences between English and Western Riding alone, and somebody else would argue with half of it.


I agree with the above poster (Jimafre..) except one point

English is different depending on the region

IE in the MD area English = hunt seat

Some area's English = Dressage ( Like at the Olympics)

flat and fences

Some areas it's Jacket, tie, top hat (No helmet) no where near the other 2 types , Usually done on saddlebreds, 3 gaited and 5 gaited

( US Champs at Madison Sq Garden and Louisville KY)

Forgot if Tennessee Walkers and Plantation walkers are included


risk of colic

once a month summer, 2 a month winter, after being weaned, use whatever you want just rotate between atleast 4


11 months 6-8 months

stallion not gelded colt baby boy horse filly baby girl horse


you pick out a horses hooves to get out hard-packed dirt and sharp rocks that can damage the frog of your horses foot.

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